Learn SalesGym's Facilitation methodology

Facilitation Dynamics To Run Your
First SalesGym Practice Drill

Demonstration Driven Drills Methodology

By far, the most important facilitation dynamic needed to run effective practice drills is to skillfully demonstrate the influence framework that the practice drill is built around. If your demonstrations are good and flexible, your participants will learn quickly. If they’re not, you’ll experience more pushback, resistance and overall confusion. 

In this step of your learning process you will:

  • Learn the CHET framework, which is used to respond more effectively to questions
  • Become more confident and effective at communicating your company’s competitive advantages
  • Learn how to deliver SalesGym’s demonstration driven methodology with the CHET drill
  • Learn how to use incremental challenges with fast-paced repetition to accelerate the progress of participants
  • Prepare to confidently deliver your first SalesGym practice drill to members of your sales team


Master Your Demonstrations!

It’s extremely important that you  thoroughly review the learning materials for CHET show you the framework and examples of how each of the steps fit together.  Remember, this CHET drill is just one small, but important element of the full “Foundational Selling Skills” program we deliver to our clients. It’s also the same materials Trainers like yourself use that are certified to deliver our programs. It’s important for you to go through these materials and familiarize yourself with the CHET communication framework before you start practicing with your SalesGym coach to learn how to facilitate this critically important drill.

There are many other communication and influence frameworks that are built into the entire SalesGym curriculum, but we consider sales messaging and the ability to answer the most fundamental questions a decision maker has to be the core DNA of successful selling and influence. Nearly every decision maker or influencer a salesperson meets with needs to understand what makes their company, products and services different from their competition. This CHET framework and practice exercise has dramatic and immediate impact on how salespeople respond to these questions.

Keys to understanding the CHET Framework:

  • This framework is designed to help participants practice responding to the most fundamental questions decision makers have about their company, products and services.
  • Participants learn to communicate their differentiating factors in far more effective and engaging ways.
  • This exercise simultaneously helps participants practice their ability to ask relevant and engaging questions.
  • This framework is relevant to all salespeople because every selling situation involves responding to questions and concerns from the decision makers they meet with.

This video will show you how to develop demonstrations that dramatically accelerate the learning pace of the participants you”ll be putting through this drill.

When the facilitator is able to skillfully demonstrate the communication frameworks that are critically important to the sales process, it reduces practice anxiety with the participants.

Demonstration driven practice is how elite sports coaches work with their athletes to perform at their best, under pressure, when it matters most.

Fundamental SalesGym Facilitation Dynamics

The facilitation dynamics that lead to successful practice sessions are based on these 7 elements:
  1. Get into practice quickly
  2. Demonstration driven instruction
  3. Transitions and directions must be simple and clear
  4. Low interference practice
  5. Playing the authentic curious, interested decision maker
  6. Incremental challenges with demonstrations that spotlight improvement focus areas
  7. Self analysis and learning from others
It is the mastery of these dynamics that accelerate the learning of participants and lowers the resistance the facilitator must push through.

Overcoming Resistance to Practice

As effective as this process is, it does create one significant issue or challenge that facilitators must learn to respond to. 
Participants respond to the anxiety they feel during practice in a variety of ways:
  • Some consider it a challenge and are eager to stretch and learn
  • Some are nervous, but are relatively easily swept into the process
  • Some resist practice by asking for more discussion and analysis with questions they ask
  • Some experience verbal paralysis because of the anxiety that can be like a panic attack
  • Some push back hard and try to show the facilitator they know more and that the exercise is something they’ve already mastered or that they approach it differently.
Facilitation is largely designed to prevent participants from over-reacting to anxiety which causes the facilitator to spend valuable minutes away from practice.

What to Prepare

By far, the most important thing to focus on in the preparation sessions with your SalesGym coach is to become clear and confident in your demonstrations using concise, curiosity generating headlines, customer focused phrasing in the explain steps and engaging open ended questions.  We suggest you focus on three distinct high value differentiating factors and learn how to explain each one in a compelling way.

Once your demonstrations are at a level that will enable participants to learn quickly, we’ll work with you on all the facilitation skills that create a positive, fast paced learning experience. Remember, dynamic demonstrations help participants learn quicker and remove frustration and friction from the learning process. If your demonstrations are average or mediocre, then the learning process is much slower and more frustration is experienced by the people you’re working with.


Relevant Supplemental Links and Videos

You may find these links to videos and articles interesting and relevant to the topic if you have time to review them.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Benjamin Franklin